Running a business is never easy. Only those who never had the chance to be in charge of a company think that being a founder CEO or even a branch manager is easy. Of course there are benefits from this job but there are even more obligations and stressful situations during the working day.
This is the reason why many people in charge are trying to find solutions that are going to ease their way of running everything perfectly. If you’re one of those people who always chanted about worker’s privacy and didn’t like cameras inside the shared offices this is a way to understand why they are there.
No one likes monitoring their employees but this is done because of practical reasons. In this article we are sharing five reasons why it is like this and five reasons that are going to convince you that monitoring the working place is only a good thing. Follow up if you want to know more about this and why every serious company has a monitoring system in their firms.
1. Provides 100{96dd937ea9ed35bdf4ab6a112dce20eaa9848b2f61797e14493e2d3b59821714} productivity of your employees
Some might say that cameras will make employees frustrated and make them refuse work. This is entirely not true. Stats show that employees work much more and much better when they know they are monitored unlike those who are not. Learn more about productivity here.
Stats show that workers who know they are monitored give 100{96dd937ea9ed35bdf4ab6a112dce20eaa9848b2f61797e14493e2d3b59821714} at work for finishing their tasks in time. They are more precise thorough dedicated and even more motivated because they know the managers are going to see on the cameras if they work or not.
2. Helps you have everything under control
One of the things that managers and owners have the hardest time figuring out how to solve is knowing what’s happening among their employees. A great company is only one that has happy employees and workers that will do their best for the company while they are at work.
Having a monitoring system will provide the chance to put everything under control. All issues are easily solved if you as the main judge in the office have all the evidence in front of you. You can easily see who’s doing what and act accordingly.
If you find out that some of your people are not best doing one type of work but seem to handle another one perfectly then you can up your business by making this change. But if you never saw this on the cameras then how are you going to know what to do.
Do you think that some of them will come and share this with you? Even if they do you still want to see for yourself and will rarely take their word for it.
3. Is the best way to protect yourself from lawsuits
When there’s an issue at work and there’s always something you can solve it by going through the videos recorded on the cameras. If some of your employees are trying to rip you off by claiming a lawsuit against you for whatever reason you can defend yourself by presenting these records in front of the judge.
So many people are trying to frame their employers and so many people are trying to make benefits illegally that it’s really hard to protect yourself in situations like this. Of course unless you have cameras to back you and prove that you’re not guilty of whatever claim they have.
4. Gives you a chance to reward those who are the best
Let’s say you have an office full of cubicles and around 100 people working inside. How are you going to know which one is doing a great job and who needs to be reminded that they are not here on vacation? Stats do not always do the job.
If you’re running a call center you want to know which operators are trying the hardest so you can reward their efforts. There’s nothing better than installing a call center monitoring software that will keep track of everything that’s happening.
This way you can easily find out who’s trying the most and who needs to be rewarded. The system will show you exactly that and you won’t even need to do any extra work. Rewarding productive employees raise the motivation of everyone else.
5. Protects from thieves
Finally the issue that everyone’s trying to solve but seems to have such a hard time with. Having a monitoring system will provide easy access to all angles of the office and will catch any illegal activity regardless of who’s doing it – someone from the outside or an employee.
There’s nothing strange in these claims there’s theft at the workplace happening every minute. Some of these cases are true crime and others are only stilling pens but they are both serious things if it comes from someone on the inside.
These five points tell you why a monitoring system is amazing and why everyone uses it today. There’s no place aside from your home probably that hasn’t got cameras on higher ground to monitor what’s happening underneath them. See more about surveillance on the link:
Lots of benefits come from this. Some people are worried about privacy but when it comes to running a business you need to think about everything. These points show how many issues you’re solving by installing a monitoring system.